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Thursday, May 20, 2010

Raging Thunder

Polarbit’s Raging Thunder was a thoroughly enjoyable arcade racing romp which illustrated just how good a mobile phone 3D title could be when it was released some time ago.
However, there were definitely areas which needed improvement and the company has done much to address these issues in this inevitable sequel.

Raging Thunder certainly isn’t messing around when it comes to visuals and the graphics are some of the finest yet witnessed on the Android platform.
The circuits are packed with detail, the cars boast cool reflective paintwork and certain effects – such as the flames which erupt around your vehicle during particularly intense moments – are a sight to behold.

Alas, such visual excess comes with a hefty price tag. Raging Thunder is only really playable on high-end Android devices like the HTC Desire and Nexus One, and even on these powerful handsets there are moments when the on-screen action gets a little too hectic and slowdown regretfully occurs.
Steering is controlled using your phone’s accelerometer and for the most part this works well.
The default sensitivity isn’t quite right in our opinion so it’s recommended that you tinker with it in the game’s options menu.
We found that increasing it ever so slightly makes Raging Thunder far easier to control and more enjoyable as a result.

1 Comment:

Raging Thunder 2.0 .apk said...

Nice graphics, arcade style game play, controls can be squirrelly, developer seems more trust worthy then EA & Gameloft.

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