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Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Android 2.1 (Eclair)

2.1 (Eclair) Features:

• Optimized hardware speed
• Support for more screen sizes and resolutions
• Revamped UI
• New browser UI and HTML5 support
• New contact lists
• Better white/black ratio for backgrounds
• Improved Google Maps 3.1.2 with Turn-by-Turn directions.
• Microsoft Exchange support

• Built in flash support for Camera
• Digital Zoom
• MotionEvent class enhanced to track multi-touch events
• Improved virtual keyboard
• Bluetooth 2.1
• Live Wallpapers

Android 2.1 is currently shipping on the HTC Nexus One. The Motorola Droid (Sholes) sold by Verizon is currently at 2.0.1 but users should expect an over the air update “soon” (which could mean anything from 2 weeks to 2 months). As of this writing, all other Android devices (about 80% of the market, according to Google) are running version 1.5 or 1.6:

Source: Google market data collected during the two weeks ending on 1/4/2010

Eventually 2.0.1 will go away, replaced by 2.1 just as 2.0 was replaced by 2.0.1. If current trends continue, we predict that 2.0.1/2.1 will achieve a 25% market share by February, and 50% by the end of the year.

Note that all programs written using the 1.5/1.6 APIs should work on newer devices, but you should test your apps on all targeted versions and screen sizes just to make sure. Programs written to require the 2.0.1/2.1 APIs will not work on older devices.

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