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Sunday, July 11, 2010

UCWEB v7.6 for n-gage

UCWEB browser is claimed as the most serious challenge to perkasaan OperaMinifor mobile classroom. Already proved its seriousness by releasing the latest version,UCWEB v7.6 beta. . . . . !

Still aka beta testing, together with Symbian version 5.1 OperaMini.
UCWEB also capable menkompres data up to 85% (excellent bit of opmin 80%)despite that, many say if OperaMini still more reliable in terms of compressing

yes, indeed we can not compare UCWEB with OperaMini. Still different class,superior opmin a step above UCWEB. But by continuing to update and fine-tunedversion features "that exist. UCWEB deserve in nobatkan as the main competitoropmin ...

Look at the browsers other than opmin and UCWEB. Is there anything that can workoptimally? Bolt, Skyfire, etc. are still just a flavoring in the world of mobile browsers

in version 7.6 mencpai UCWEB have this, I have not found any new features. Maybejust a little refinement of existing features.

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