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Thursday, August 4, 2011

share internet from wifi laptop to the Android pad / phone without rooting

If you want to share the internet from a wifi laptop to the gadget android pad / phone, one way is to turn your laptop into a wifi ad-hoc mode, well while on android wifi can not detect any wifi hotspot with ad-hoc mode,
Android you should be rooting advance in order to detect hotspots wifi ad-hoc mode.

then bagaimakah do if we do not want android to dirooting for various reasons, eg if the warranty period, then the warranty will be forfeited (not applicable) if done rooting process?
the only way is if Android is not modified then the laptop will be modified slightly.

we will make the laptop as if the machine (modems) in real hotspot in order for wifi on the laptop can be converted into a hotspot with modes: infrastructure and an android must be able to detect hotspots even in this way also serves on other gadget2 ....

For Ubuntu Linux OS users:
sharing wifi laptop to an android gadgets, laptop internet connection comes from the USB Modem / LAN.

Let's suppose you have the name of the network protocol as follows:
wlan: wlan0 (wireles)
ppp: ppp0 (USB modem)

to know the network address of the modem & wireles lan diterminal type: ifconfig

into the terminal and then install ubuntu this application:

sudo apt-get install hostapd
sudo apt-get install dhcp3-server

create a file "hostapd.conf" and add the following command:

interface = wlan0
driver = nl80211
ssid =
channel = 1
hw_mode = g
auth_algs = 1
wpa = 3
wpa_passphrase =
wpa_key_mgmt = WPA-PSK
wpa_pairwise = TKIP CCMP
rsn_pairwise = CCMP

store in your home folder, do not forget:
ssid = ---> filled with your wifi network name (the name up, eg = wifiku)
wpa_passphrase = ---> filled with your wifi password

and edit the file: sudo gedit / etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf

add the bottom row as follows:

option subnet-mask;
default-lease-time 600;
max-lease-time 7200;

option domain-name-servers, 8.8.4. ;
subnet netmask {
option broadcast-address;
option routers;

DNS address, use open DNS google
every connected gadget obtain an IP address from 10-254
for the naming of the above IP can be changed in any way you want it

edit the file: sudo gedit / etc/default/dhcp3-server
and search interface to edit like this: INTERFACES = "wlan0"

enable ip forwarding on ubuntu by editing the file:
sudo gedit / etc / sysctl.conf
uncheck the fence on # net.ipv4.ip_forward = 0
and change the 0 to 1
and edit the file: sudo gedit / etc / rc.local

add the above script "exit 0" like the following:

/ Sbin / iptables-t nat-A POSTROUTING-o ppp0-j MASQUERADE
ifconfig wlan0 inet netmask
hostapd-d hostapd.conf &
/ Etc/init.d/dhcp3-server restart

ppp0 if you want to share internet connection with USB modem replace eth0 if you want to share the internet from the LAN network.

if it is complete, restart your PC and connect your USB modem into Ubuntu, turn on your gadgets and if the wifi is detected, you can start browsing or downloading applications through the android android market.

If you are using windows OS (especially Windows 7 & Windows Server 2008 R2):

Download Virtual Router Manager application here
sharing wifi laptop to an android gadgets, internet connection from a USB networkmodem / LAN

If the application you've downloaded and installed the application and then run. then fill in the settings for the following:

Fill in the Network Name (SSID) as you want eg: mywifi
Wifi SSID is the name that will appear on your android gadget if detected hotspots.

Password: fill in your own, create a password of length min 5 characters

then click the Shared Connection to display the USB Modem / LAN that you will use. if it does not appear click refresh, if it still does not appear restart your PC first.

then finally press the Start the Virtual Router.

Now activate wifi on your android, if there is no problem then the android will bedetecting the existence of a wifi hotspot and if it is connected to the Virtual RouterManager will show the information of gadgets / connected PC.

2 Comment:

Rony Wijaya said...

super gan

Anonymous said...

copas dari sini ya gan...

walaupun ente pake bahasa inggris tapi transletannya sama tu...

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