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Saturday, February 12, 2011

Green Power 2.1

Green Power 2.1 battery saver

Green Power battery saver: No need to charge your battery so often!
Green Power FREE battery saver brings many extra hours to your battery life!

Unlike other battery savers that require regular user manual actions (like Battery Booster or ApnDroid), Green Power is fully automatic: Once configured, it runs and saves your battery by itself. It does so by smartly managing Wifi and Mobile data: Turning them off when you don't need them, but ensure minimum disturbance: Automatic turned ON when needed by you or by other apps (e.g retrieving mails).
Similar but easier cleaner and faster than JuiceDefender and BatteryFu!

  * Supports most phone types (including CDMA) and most carriers
  * Keep wireless (wifi and/or mobile data) OFF most of the time to save power
  * Fully configurable time intervals and settings
  * Toggle wireless ON regularly to update push data (e.g mails, weather...)
  * Toggle wireless ON when Screen turned ON, or unlocked
  * Toggle wireless ON when Power connected
  * Checking traffic before turning OFF to prevent disturbing other apps
  * Very lightweight and fast app
  * Easy and clean interface

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