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Friday, February 25, 2011

Root access to milestone XT720

Root access to milestone XT720 
Just to simplify the procedures for the root access: 

1. Download the attachment and to expand to a folder that is located (eg C: \ Desktop) 
2. Asian Development Bank Framework 
3. On the phone: Start Menu button, configuration, applications, development: Make sure the "USB debugging" is checked proof. 
4. status bar, USB connection: Check the "PC mode" is enabled. 
5. Open a command prompt (Windows: Start, Run, "cmd", OK, Linux Terminal Server)
6. Run "ADB devices. If you do not see the device in" list devices "list to return to step 2 and follow the link to the configuration of BAD (use this topic to the support) and come back here as" ADB devices "their X lists. 
7. Run "CD C: \ Desktop (or wherever you expanded the file) 
8. Run adb push Superuser.apk / sdcard / Superuser.apk " 
9. Run adb push his / sdcard / su " 
10. Run adb push busybox / sdcard / busybox 
11. Run adb boost exploit / sqlite_stmt_journals exploit / " 
12. Run "adb shell" 
13. Run "cd sqlite_stmt_journals" 
14. Explode chmod 755 "Run 
15. On the phone to navigate to a screen where WiFi / Bluetooth Switch is easy on / off (settings, flash or a screen with a) 
16. Immediately after the next step, Enable Wi-Fi and Bluetooth occasionally 
17. Run ". / Exploit" and follow the instructions on the screen. Once this done, you're back in the command line. 
18. rootshell Run. You will be prompted for a password. 
19. Enter the password "hello world" and press Enter, then you are a root user! (You know why your system is now a "#" instead of "$") 
20. Run "cp / sdcard / Superuser.apk / system / app / Superuser.apk" 
21. Run "cp / sdcard / your / system / bin / su" 
22. Run "cp / sdcard / busybox / system / bin / busybox 
23. Run "chmod 4755 / system / bin / su" 
24. Run "chmod 4755 / system / bin / busybox 
25. Run "rm / system / bin / rootshell" 
26. Run "Exit" in the root of a non-root user prompt (on the phone below) 
27. Making use of the "exit" the command system of the machine (instead of the phone)

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