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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Custom Views x10 minipro

Custom Views x10 minipro (framework-res.apk)
- eclair (how to update to the eclair)
- root
- adb tool (download)

How to install:

- After the download adb tool extracts the file to the directory C
- Move the themes that are already downloaded to the sdcard (file-res.apk framework)
- Unplug the USB and insert again (just ignore if there is a pop-up)
- Go to the CMD (comand prompt)
- Type:
cd /
cd adb tool
adb shell
cd / system / bin /
. / busybox mount-o remount, rw / system
. / busybox mount-o remount, rw-t yaffs2 / dev/block/mtdblock2 / system
. / busybox dd if = / sdcard / framework-res.apk of = / system / framework / framework-res.apk

- wait until the phone restarts automatically

* My Theme
Download here

* Eleghant Theme
Download here

* Xtreme Theme
Download here

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