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Thursday, March 17, 2011

Wave Launcher for Android 2.1

Wave Launcher
is a unique, gesture-enabled, quick action-bar for Android. It resembles a well-known and loved feature on WebOS phones like the Palm-Pre.
Regardsless of any application currently running, you can swipe you finger from the virtual gesture-area at the bottom of the screen towards the middle to show the wave - A fully configurable quick-launch area.

Usage is extremely simple:
1. Touch the very bottom of the screen and slowly swipe your finger up towards the middle of the screen.
2. When you get towards the middle, the wave appears!
3. Without raising your finger, swipe left or right to select the desired application
4. To launch the app, simply raise your finger from the screen.
5. If you changed your mind and don't want to launch anything, simply swipe the wave back to the bottom

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